Frequently asked Questions

Your Questions, Answered

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  • Building in Texas is special because we have so much farm land/ open sky's that you just can't get anywhere else. Outside of that- how can you beat the Texas hospitality?

  • We at Vaughn always do what's right. No matter how hard the conversation is. We are never willing to compromise the standard of our work. (Not sure if this is a Waco thing or just a Vaughn thing) Ha!

  • You will rest SO much better knowing you're going into a build and having a designer. On our projects in general we have roughly 183 selections to pick out within a Custom home. Hire a designer if you don't have one already!

  • This is a really loaded question. Building a custom home in the Waco area is somewhere between $200-$300 a square foot. (These are nice finishes!)

  • From the VERY beginning when just entertaining the idea of building. Save yourself the heart ache of trying to navigate the pre-con/ plans/ finances on your own. Let our team come in and guide you. This makes for a much better streamlined process.